Warrnambool Little Athletics Inc.
Warrnambool Little Athletics Inc.
Warrnambool Little Athletics Inc was formed in 2015. It is an independent not for profit association reportable to Consumer Affairs Victoria and governed by the Associations Incorporations Reform Act 2012.
Our purpose is clearly stated in our founding rules (similar to a constitution)
The purposes of the association are:
- to encourage the development of children of all abilities by promoting positive attitudes and a healthy lifestyle through family and community involvement in athletic activities.
- to promote, organise and conduct junior athletics training, coaching and competition for families of the Warrnambool Region in South West Victoria.
Any person who supports the purposes of the Association is eligible for membership.
The committee’s prime responsibility is to manage the business of the association as it pursues its purpose.
All committee members are collectively responsible for compliance with the Act.
All committee members have the same general responsibilities.
In addition, some positions have additional responsibilities.
President Chairperson for meetings
Vice President Chairperson for meetings in the President’s absence
Secretary Must perform all duties required under the Act, lodge documents with Consumer Affairs Victoria, maintain the members register, minutes and other documents.
Treasurer Must receive all money, issue receipts, bank money, make payments and keep financial records